
Tips for poetry submissions to Publishers

Calling all poets interested in publication! Here is the link to an excellent short audio interview with Michael Schmidt of Carcanet Publishing in the UK, one of the world's leading poetry imprints.

He gives very helpful, no nonsense tips on what you need to consider when submitting to a publisher, talking about the yeas and nays of submitting your poetry for consideration.http://www.carcanet.co.uk/data/audio/audio53.mp3


Kathleen Julia Bates Memorial Writing for Children Competition

Is writing for children your thing?  The 8th Kathleen Julia Bates Memorial Writing for Children Competition invites Australian writers, both published and unpublished, to submit the first chapter (maximum of 2000 words) of their children's chapter book for readers up to 10 years of age. Fittingly, the competition remembers the two year old daughter of successful children's author, Di Bates

Entry fee: AUD$10 per manuscript.  Cheques/money orders should be made payable to Di Bates, and posted with the manuscript to PO Box 2116, Woonona East, NSW, 2517 or online via: dibates@pacific.net.au. Manuscripts should include only a cover page with the story title, word count, writer's name and contact details, including email. 

Prize: 1st Prize AUD$150, two runners up AUD$50 each. Results will be published in Buzz Words and all entrants who include a Stamped, self addressed envelope will recieve copies of the results.

Open to: Australian writers

Deadline30 March 2012


The Australia/Vogel's Literary Award for an Unpublished Manuscript

OK, so you've painstakingly crafted your manuscript over the past few years and it's ready to be put out there in the world.  If it hasn't take you TOO long to get to this stage, and you are still under 35 years of age, think about submitting it to the Australian/Vogel's Literary Award, run by Australian publisher, Allen and Unwin.

This is one of Australia's leading literary awards and an established route to 'discovery' - previous winners have included Tim Winton, Kate Grenville and Andrew McGahan. Manuscripts must have been previously unpublished (commercially), not under consideration elsewhere, between 30,000 and 100,0000 words and may be fiction, Australian history or biography.

Entry fee: AUD$25  

Prize: Combined prize pool of more than AUD$20,000, plus publication by Allen and Unwin, who will retain exclusive worldwide publishing rights - this also applies to any other entry they deem to be of 'sufficient merit', so be conscious of that in submitting.

Open to: Australian residents under 35 as at 31 May 2012, writing in English

Deadline1 June 2012

Stringybark Short Story Award

If short and sharp and twisted is your thing, here's the contest for you! The Stringybark Short Story Award, now in its third year, is looking for short stories, up to a maximum of 1500 words, in any genre for its annual contest. There are only two requirements: there has to be a 'nifty twist' at the end which will leave the judges gasping (well, ok, entertain them at least!), and it must in some way, shape or form, have a link to Australia. 

Entry fee: AUD$9.75 for one entry, $18 for two stories, $25 for a maximum of three stories

Prize: First prize: AUD$300 cash; Second AUD$125; 3rd AUD$50.  All prize winners also receive a certificate, paper and electronic publication in The Stringybark Award Anthology and a free copy of the anthology. Highly commended stories may also be published in the Anthology.

Open to: Anyone, anywhere, any age, writing in English

Deadline4 March 2012


Pitching to a publisher...

You could call pitching your book idea to a publisher a type of writing competition. You're competing against all of those other authors for the attention of a commissioning editor. 

Well, here are three opportunities that might help your manuscripts avoid the slush pile and put you ahead of the pack.

Pan Macmillan Australia's Manuscript Monday

Penguin Books Australia's The Monthly Catch

Allen & Unwin's - The Friday Pitch

Be sure to read and follow their guidelines very carefully.